Standard First Aid, CPR/AED e-learning Skills Check (Scout Adult Volunteers & Sr. and Ambassador Girl Scouts )

  • GSCNC 4301 Connecticut Ave NW M-2 Washington, DC 20008
  • April 6, 2022
  • April 6, 2022 Wednesday, 8:30 am to 9:30 am

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Standard First Aid, CPR/AED e-learning Skills Check (Scout Adult Volunteers & Sr. and Ambassador Girl Scouts )

April 6, 2022 Wednesday, 8:30 am to 9:30 am
April 6, 2022


Standard First Aid, CPR/AED e-learning Skills Check (Scout Adult Volunteers & Sr. and Ambassador Girl Scouts )

April 6, 2022 Wednesday, 8:30 am to 9:30 am
April 6, 2022


Sign up for the competency skills check after payment and completion of the 2.5-hour Standard First Aid, CPR/AED e-learning cognitive portion online. 48-72 hours before the class you will receive an email with final class logistics. This free competency skills check is only for those who have first registered and paid for the “Standard First Aid, CPR/AED Blended Learning course.” Participants will complete their skills in 1 hour with an instructor to receive an official certification card. This course meets the training requirements for scouting, OSHA, teachers, and child care providers. Certification is valid for 2 years. Arrive at the facility 10-15 minutes in advance for check in. No one will be admitted once the class begins.